Monday, March 30, 2009

Mini Assignment OMG pt 2

(This post is gonna be a mix between my thoughts and what I've been doing so far.)

Sooo we have this miniature assignment or group task to complete with the purpose of educating our fellow class mates providing further information about the topic.
Of course like i mentioned in my earlier post I'm stuck with the section of the roles in the development team.
Although today i must admit i had gotten somewhat sidetracked by the topic of active volcanoes and riskiest countries i had still managed to find a quite helpful website. Kopete supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, IRC, Gadu-Gadu, Novell GroupWise Messenger, and more. Designed to be a
Flexible multi-protocol system suitable for personal and/or organisation use.

Kopete Instant Messanger

The great thing about this website is it has a list of the staff development team. SO now i have a list of the roles of people involved all that's left to do is define each job =] which i shall do next lesson or tomorrow night perhaps.

Kopete development team

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Microsoft office Live

Microsoft Office Live Is An online workplace which is free of charge, and can save up to over 1000 microsoft documents.

Impact Of microsoft office live worldwide:

It enables people to save their documents online, access it anywhere where Internet is available therefore USB's wouldn't be needed and to also share it via inviting the persons email to join your workspace. You can decide whether or not they can edit your work or simply to just review it.
It comes in many various languages and Proven protection from virus's is assured as Microsoft Forefront Security for SharePoint is used. It can only be accessed with a Windows Live ID and
password so you control who can view, comment on, and edit your documents for collaboration.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today =o

On Monday in class we had watched through several youtube videos about technology in the near future. (i would have posted this on Monday except we had hardly any time left in class after watching all the videos)

The first video was about Retail in the future portraying the simplicity of finding various items, pricing them and buying. By using RFID tags to not only work as a gps system to find the whereabouts of various items but also using miniature LCD screens to display the prices on the shelves so it is easier to change the prices on items.
Sir had explained to the class that the technology we had now could in fact do all this already however the pricing would be costly and therefore only major companies would be able to use it. In a couple more years however this should change.

In the video which was called "Did you know" it states how in the near future technology would soon be smarter than humans... in my personal opinion the only thing that runs through my mind hearing this is "Terminator" therefore i highly dislike the idea x.x"
Although, I found the facts really interesting and highly amusing with statistics i would consider impossible that clearly aren't. Hmm atm (at the moment) i cant rewatch the video on this computer seeing as youtube is blocked however when i get home i'll rewatch it and post some facts =)

**Edit** Ok so i thought i should post the link to the Video, Did You Know

PoV;; facts which i must admit catch the attention of people, gets the point across in both a factual and entertaining manner =]

-The top 10 In-Demand Jobs in 2010 .... did not exist in 2004 OMG!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Acronym =]

Well upon Reading Maxinne's post about the acronym for the information processes I have come to the conclusion to also post it in order to remember it better however i have slightly altered it;

Storing and retrieving
Transmitting and receiving


COAST DP (DP stands for Display picture... sooooo strangely enough i think of a beach display picture o.o)

anyway thankyou for the idea max =D
free cookies for you!

Mini Assignment OMG

So a couple of lessons back we got a mini assignment to do on information systems/ the ethical and social issues as well as the people involved and tools ^-^"

I probably should have posted this back when we got the assignment but i didn't simply because; i forgot totally about this blog x.x and I'm lazy... :P sorry its a slow post ^^

First thing to do was find a group, My group consists of Me (L) Claudia (C) and Maxinne (M) and together we make the LCM's a force to be reckoned with or a great snack. Next was to choose from a list of six information
data systems to research on. These were; facebook, youtube, Instant Messaging (IM), Ebay, Online, Banking, Google.
Our chosen Topic was Instant messaging (hehehe) and each member got a role to research.

Maxinne- exploring social and ethical issues.
Claudia- Information on tools related to the system.
Me- Roles of people in the system development team.

What We Have Done in Class so far.

Well i haven't been posting what we've been doing in class. So this post is to simply sum up and explain the work i have been doing involving Information data systems.

Well we started of using Excel making our own information data systems which were;
-Class Marks (with this we used 3 different classes, 4 different subjects and 10 students. From there we found out the class averages and Student averages for each subject as well as the highest and lowest marks.)
-Data Systems involving work (Times in and out, over-time and salary.)
We had also been making ISC diagrams for;
-And the Mark books
In the ISC diagrams the information which was recorded were;
users, environment, purpose, information processes, participants, data/information, information technology

The last lot of work which i had finally completed was my powerpoint on Different Data types.
These included;

-Image~ Such as Jpeg, Gif and Bmp
-text~ doc, txt, log
-Number~byte, short interger, long interger
-Audio~ mp3, midi, wma
-Video ~ mp4, avi, mpg

I need to work more on IPT incomplete work at home though its been hard recently as a result of constant never ending assignments and exams x.x" (ironic seeing as we now have a small IPT assignment to complete... expected) Check Spelling

P.S: Spell check isnt working for me? >.<"
I used it and it said spelling correct and I read
through and find mistakes... how frustrating