Monday, February 22, 2010


Sunday, February 14, 2010

owh blah

context diagram - Summary. Uses circles (Processes?) , Squares (External entity) and arrows (Data Flow)

data flow diagram -

Telephone number as 'text' rather then 'number' because less storage as there is no mathematical blah blah. :)

Boolean - yes-no answers only. Data Type.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Siri, Artificial Intelligence.


-App on an iPhone

-Decoding what we are saying (Voice command)

-Location needs to be known to cross reference with other data for best interpretation

-Not Sophisticated enough to find website and book restaurant nor call up probably has data stored from participating restaurants :)

-Could probably only just tell you whereabouts rather then actually booking.

-Suggests it has to be able to do more then other data bases... i.e book a restaurant it should be able to tell its a command however unless you are near the location of the city book then it'll find a restaurant there.

-Privacy, social and ethical implications. Booking a restaurant near your home... you must tell it where your home is. Data which could be shared with the company.. within the whole system. You could also tell it when you're working so it knows your best leisure times, pretty much builds up a profile on you on its system. stalk stalk stalk.

-To book something.. gotta give it credit card details. If Hacked BAM bye bye money. (Security fail)

-Starts of with simple small none critical tasks. Shall develop later on.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Database fun.
*Flat file data bases - Ideal for simple lists ie.... appointments diary and phone lists.
*Relational databases -Ideal for larger more complex lists. ie..Personal Records and stock inventory
For store sales and product lists for bigger companies such as woolworths it would be far to complex for a simple flat file data base to hold all records of their products. Instead of paper handouts hypermedia would be much more easier to maintain and run.
For Personal records in companies its a bit too complex to use flat file databases as theres only one table therefore there are many columns within the one table and the data is messy and harder to use. Relational databases much easier. DON'T use hypermedia, privacy issues poor security. Data Stolen, hacked, Better into files in an office.

encryption: Data coded, so unauthorized people cant read it.
for more info page 46-49.
Data Dictionary (Metadata)

tell us the:
*data type - ie text, numeric
*field names
*Field Size
Sorta telling us how its built, telling us about the data.
Usually refers to a table. If you have 4 tables you have 4 Data dictionaries one for each.
PAGE 49 for more info on data dictionaries.

Inquires and hypermedia time to refresh when i get home. uftt lol actually just go through EVERYTHING from yr 11 before i die in confusion.. funny enough i have no idea what the answer is when he asks until he says it and im like ohhh i knew that! why am i sooo gaaahh >_> dont forget protocols ie file transfer protocols.